Switches are widely used in China, but the market for industrial switches is very competitive. Many manufacturers specializing in the production and development of switches are used in light only in the country. In the competition with foreign switch brands, domestic switch brands have more and more local advantages. So, which industries are industrial switches used in?


1. Which industries are industrial switches used in?


1. In the industrial Ethernet switch market, electric power and rail transit are the key application fields of industrial switches, accounting for 70% of the market. For example, AFC, PIC, comprehensive monitoring and OA of industrial switches in rail transit are widely used in power distribution network, power generation, digital substation and other fields, and some industrial switch brands are widely used abroad. Second, metallurgy, petroleum and petrochemical, industrial control automation, road traffic control automation, building automatic control system, mine automatic control system, oilfield control automation, hydropower station control automation, power system control automation, computer room monitoring system, water monitoring, environmental monitoring, etc.


In the field of industrial Ethernet switches, understanding their customer groups can better dive into this field, in this field to win the first.