Generally in the industrial router will have industrial wireless router wifi network data signal, usually reasonable transmission spacing in 100-300 meters, so many people feel that only in this transmission category can accept the data signal. However, in practical applications, the transmission interval of industrial wireless routers is usually vulnerable to obstacles, landforms, natural environment and other factors, resulting in the impact of transmission interval. The following is a detailed explanation of the main and secondary reasons affecting the transmission interval of industrial routers:


I. The impact of the industrial router 4 reasons:


1. Transmission intervals of industrial routers are affected by landforms and obstacles. The practical activities and application scenarios of industrial wireless routers are complicated, and it is difficult to show the network signal category standard value under the interface test. This time, it is due to the influence of natural environment and obstacles to intrude wifi network. Among them, the barrier wall with laminated glass and alloy has great influence on the data signal of industrial wireless router.


2. The transmission interval of industrial routers is affected by the signal strength of wireless routers. This is also a key factor affecting the transmission scope of industrial wireless routers. The larger the output power, the wider the transmission scope, but according to the relevant national standards, the larger signal strength can not exceed 100MW, that is, 20dBm.


3. The transmission interval of industrial routers is affected by temperature. Different from general wireless routers used at home, industrial wireless routers are mostly applied in outdoor natural environment, which determines that they are greatly affected by temperature. For example, in stormy days, when the ambient humidity of gas increases, the transmission scope of wireless routers will become smaller and closer. The harsh outdoor natural environment anomalies clearly put forward high requirements for the anti-oxidation and high defensiveness of the integrated ic routing.


4. Industrial router with gain antenna can be selected. In the case of a certain signal strength, the industrial router with power amplification can strengthen the transmission scope by adding the power ratio of data signals generated by the practical wireless antenna and the idealized radiation source module at the same point in the indoor space.


To sum up, when selecting industrial wireless routers, customers should select products suitable for output power and gain antenna according to their own requirements, and apply them in wide areas as far as possible, which can greatly limit the development of wireless router transmission scope. Industrial wireless router machines and equipment can provide a more fluctuating and more extensive natural environment for data and information transmission in the industrial range, and ensure the main safety in the intelligent security range, the wholesale range of new manufacturers, the industrial category, intelligent power distribution equipment, natural environment control, traffic and travel control and other ranges.