The internal components of an industrial wireless router are relatively complex. It's made up of different parts. Each manufacturer uses different grades of parts, but the types of parts used are basically the same. The relative stability and stability of such network systems depends on the level of the product type selected, so what are the main components of the combination of industrial wireless router systems? In terms of function, it can be divided into detection system, control system and management system. Each system performs its own responsibilities and has its own area of management


  Which systems incorporate industrial wireless routers:


  The detection system mainly includes sensor data processing unit and data transmission unit, which can be divided into main system and subsystem. Its main function is to realize front-end data collection and processing. The quality of the sensor will directly determine whether the later work can be carried out normally. If the sensors do not meet the requirements, later work may be stalled.


  Control system Control system is the core component of the whole industrial wireless router, including the actuator. Control unit Data transmission unit system is mainly used to control the actuator. The level of control is particularly important. If there is no problem with the sensor, the problem is with the control system, which means that late operation is also meaningless, and even leads to problems such as system chaos.



  The management system includes data transmission unit scheduling, unit data management, unit data analysis unit, etc., which is mainly used for centralized scheduling and background management. It also plays a key role in the whole management process. Throughout the network, he is responsible for the logistics department. Sensor and control system is very important to the network, the background management system is also a major component that can not be ignored


  Industrial wireless routers consist of three systems. Purchase should be based not only on the quality of the finished product, but also on checking the major components in advance and understanding the characteristics of the major components to understand the quality of the product. If the product is of poor quality and the components are underweight, this means that the quality of the finished product is also seriously affected.