When it comes to industrial wireless routers, many people don't hesitate, because most people realize how excellent its features are. In fact, its characteristics can basically be turned into advantages. This device is widely used and has many unique features in the performance of the product itself.


Three unique features of industrial wireless routers:

1. Supports multiple connection modes


The connections mentioned here are very rich, including 5G wired access and wireless access. When it comes to the Internet, everyone chooses to use the Internet in a completely different way. If you want to choose a relatively convenient connection mode, you can directly 5G the product supports the full network 5G Internet mode, no matter Unicom, mobile or telecom, basically no problem. Wired access is also a common connection mode, supporting broadband dial-up and dynamic IP as well as static IP. In addition to wireless access, the whole connection process is very convenient, and this connection mode is also very authoritative. When connecting, it can automatically locate the surrounding WiFi and automatically connect high-quality antennas


2. Wide signal coverage  

When used, most people use the transmission of relatively superior wire, especially high gain antenna can guarantee the network speed increase, basically will not appear serious fluctuations, the coverage is relatively wide, no matter you in the corner of the company, almost can complete the work, in the information transmission, basically will not be affected by the signal.


3. Built-in acceleration chip


In the transmission of information, many people put forward higher requirements for the security of transmission, and especially in the positive gas liquid bank and other units need to be encrypted processing, and the product has its own encryption chip, if you want to encrypt transmission, basically not a word, the whole operation process is relatively convenient, and for security has a very good promoting effect, The advantages of industrial wireless routers have always been numerous