Industrial Ethernet switch is used in industrial control field Ethernet switch equipment. With the rapid development of information construction in electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, environmental protection, transportation, construction and other industries, the demand for industrial switches is also increasing. We should know the level of protection in advance. The more common products on the market reportedly do have protection levels. By comparing levels of protection, people can really make choices accordingly.


I. Protection capability of industrial Ethernet switches:

In fact, this type of industrial switch does vary in the level of protection. It's only a one-word difference, but it makes a big performance difference for everyone. If conditions permit, it is best to choose IP40 grade protection products, because this kind of products generally use the whole aluminum alloy shell aluminum alloy material is relatively good, hardness to meet popular demand, even if the collision phenomenon, basically will not cause any impact on its appearance, light texture, can be used to install in any equipment, if the weight is relatively heavy, installation may increase difficulty, Such products are sturdier, lighter to transport and completely unfussy about their surroundings.


In addition, products with high levels of protection have the ability to resist radiation. In fact, radiation is everywhere. Sometimes radiation is there, but people don't realize that radiation is something that can't be seen or touched. If the equipment is frequently used in radiation sites, this means that the performance of the product is likely to be affected, but it turns out that this advanced protective equipment product has ideal radiation resistance. Even if the application environment is very harsh and the application time is relatively long, the performance will not change


In addition, it has ideal corrosion resistance. This product does have a steering advantage in corrosion resistance. If you want to use it in a humid environment, it is likely to affect the appearance of the product because of the high water vapor content in the steering air. If the appearance does change, you must find ways to improve corrosion resistance, and industrial Ethernet switches themselves have ideal corrosion resistance. Even if the surrounding environment is corrosive, it will not affect its appearance, and its application value is indeed visible.